Nicely explained!
I think Prof. Pavel Pevzner should be mentioned when we are talking about de Bruijn graph-based assembly. Prof. Pevzner has carried out pioneering work in the area of de Bruijn graph-based genome assembly. The article titled "An Eulerian path approach to DNA fragment assembly" is one of his early work introducing de Bruijn graphs and Eulerian paths to resolve the problem of genome assembly.
SPAdes (for short-read assembly) and Flye (for long-read assembly) are 2 of the popular de Bruijn graph-based assemblers which are products of Prof. Pevzner's lab.
MEGAHIT is another de Bruijn graph-based assembler which is very popular among scientists. Recently it has been used to assemble the genome of the 2019 novel coronavirus.
Existing de Bruijn graph-based assemblers have overcome the problems you have mentioned up to some extent using different techniques such as using multiple samples, read error correction and bubble calling.
These are just some facts if you are interested that you can read on.
Thanks for the awesome article!